Here are the most significant evidence that we have been able to capture. We do have lots of photographs so please use the link on the 'Evidence' button above to view our album. You will require Quick time player to view the video files.
Click on the Thumbnail to play / view the file
(you may have to press the 'Ctrl' key if pop-up's are blocked)
Breeden House |
Mans Voice "Laughing" |
RAF Doncaster |
Mans Voice "Come clean" |
Floating Matter |
Sweatnham Arms |
Breath |
Breaths + Whispering |
The White Lion |
Apparition |
Bell O' The Hill |
Breath |
The Boot and Slipper |
Tapping in the Cellar |
Orbs in Bar |
The Raven |
Coin 1 |
Coin 2 |